The Language bar

Jennifer Reinhardt
Director of studies
about me
Being part Canadian and part European, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in international studies was invariably a natural choice for Jen.
Always a strong supporter of education, she spent six months volunteering to help facilitate the expansion of Biblioteca de Jaco [a non-profit library and learning centre in Jaco, Costa Rica], before continuing on to gain her TEFL certificate.
Jen’s passion to explore and understand the world on a global level has led her to live in four different countries before ultimately choosing Spain as her home. Apart from the beautiful climate and warm culture, her love for tortilla de patatas has a great deal to do with this decision!
Having always been interested in starting her own business and well-equipped with a diploma in business management, Jen decided to open a language academy and The Language Bar was born.
Continuing her development as an English Language Teacher, Jen went on to get her TEFL Young Learners certificate and Cambridge English Assessment Speaking Examiner training.

Rafa Caamaño
About Me
Rafa es natural de Palma del Río, localidad que ha visto nacer y crecer a casi toda su familia.
Es Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales por la Universidad de Córdoba, tras esto siguió completando su formación, realizando un Máster de Gestión Integrada (Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Prevención de Riesgos) . Ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida profesional a la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, siendo Técnico Superior en sus distintas disciplinas, presentando una amplia experiencia en el sector.
En la actualidad se dedica a realizar actividades como Docente, tanto en las disciplinas mencionadas, como en Español para Extranjeros (ELE), profesión para la cual obtuvo su Certificación Oficial Universitaria.
Espera poder recibiros en la Academia y poder daros la Bienvenida a The Language Bar.